Foundations in CS

The Foundations of Computer Science group at the Open University of Israel covers a wide range of research topics, including approximation algorithm, distributed systems, graph network algorithms, metric geometry, computational geometry, computational game theory, computational social choice, programming languages, formal methods, and privacy.

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Computer Systems

The Computer System group in the Open University of Israel covers Computer Networks, Networks Security and Simulation, Data Bases, and Formal Methods.

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Computer Applications

The Computer Applications group at the Open University of Israel covers a wide range of research topics and applications, such as: Utilization of artificial brains to develop new frameworks for robotics and vision processing. Computational biology group testing applications. Biomedical engineering. Applications in deep learning, machine learning, and explainable AI. Data security in broadcasting networks. Privacy-preserving data mining. Computational game theory and social choice applications ranging from alternative advertising platforms to fair division of real estate, recommendation systems applications, election manipulation, ride-sharing applications and renewable energy markets. Computer Science education and integration of technologies into distance education.

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Theory Day

Theory Day