פורום מחלקתי: Fight Abortion, Not Women:’ Struggles for a Liberal Biopolitics from the Late Soviet Era to Present Day Russia

Prof. Michele Rivkin-Fish from the Department of Anthropology at the University of North Carolina
יום ראשון ח' תמוז תשע"ז, 2 יולי 2017 | | דרך האוניברסיטה 1, רעננה    נווט

ההרצאה תיערך בבניין הכיכר, קומה 1, אולם קנבר


Rivkin-Fish is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at UNC, Chapel Hill, and a medical anthropologist with expertise on Russia and research interests in US health care reform. Her 2005 monograph, Women’s Health in Post-Soviet Russia: The Politics of Intervention, was awarded the Basker Prize for Outstanding Work in Gender and Health by the Society for Medical Anthropology. She is currently writing a book on the history of abortion and contraceptive politics from the mid-Soviet era to the present in contemporary Russia, entitled “Unmaking Russia’s Abortion Culture: Family Values, Family Planning, and the Search for a Liberal Biopolitics.” Her lecture examines the ways experiences during the Soviet era, and responses to that history, have shaped family planning campaigns developed from the late 1960s through the present in Russia. In dialogue with feminist debates over liberal political theory, Rivkin-Fish traces the evolving shifts in Russian advocacy for reproductive health and rights from strategies focused on Soviet-era critiques towards arguments based on individual bodily autonomy and privacy.