Prof. Leonid Barenboim

Leonid Barenboim is an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. His scientific interests include Distributed Systems, Distributed Algorithms, Graph Algorithms, Big Data Analysis, Network Security, and Simulation.     | Prof. Barenboim's page

Dr. Dror Fried

Dror Fried is a senior lecturer in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Open University of Israel. He is interested in logic in computer science, specifically topics in formal methods and in automated reasoning.  |Dr. Fried's page

Prof. Ehud Gudes

Ehud Gudes is professor ameritus from Ben-Gurion university and adjunct professor at Open university. His main research areas are Database systems, Data mining, Data security and privacy and social networks.

Some recent OPENU MS theses advised by Prof. Gudes:
- An ABAC model with Trust and Gossiping for social networks
- Analyzing PUA’s machine learning based detection models
- Data Integrity Verification in Column-Oriented NoSQL Databases

Dr. Shir Landau-Feibish

Shir Landau Feibish is a senior lecturer of Computer Science and head of the Reliable and Usable Networked Systems (RUNS) Lab at the Open University of Israel. 

Shir works on various aspects of computer networks. Her main research interests include network monitoring and management, programmable networks, network security and streaming algorithms. Her group creates solutions for software defined networks for the effective identification and mitigation of failures and attacks across the network. |   Dr. Landau-Feibish's page